We all want to land up with the best job roles in a well reputed company and for this we are always in search of the best recruitment agencies. Let's first understand what is a recruitment agency in the real sense and also what are it roles
Recruitment agencies are like a bridge between the employer and the employee. They are the external firms that act for both companies and the job seekers. They recruit employees that are suitable for different job roles in various firms.
Also they find suitable job opportunities for the job seekers.
Recruitment agencies play different vital roles such as -
They help job seekers to get job opportunities at one place saving their time in running from one company to another in search of work.
They provide external support to companies in finding best employees for them as for any company recruitment can be a time consuming business.
They also extend candidates networks with different companies that they could not do it alone.
So, in short these recruitment agencies help both the candidates and the companies in their time management and cost efficiency.
There are various kinds of recruitment agencies working for distinct companies.
one can find their best recruitment agency from the list given below that work in various sectors.

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Specialist agency - As the name suggests these agencies only hire highly specialized and skilled candidates in areas like pharmaceutical, electronics, web development etc.
Let us understand with an example, pharmaceutical consulting companies use agencies to hire experts. The agency have relationship with pharmaceutical companies and as per the need of companies they will employee professionals.
Traditional recruitment agencies - they are the most common types of agencies running. They also bear lot of risk as well.
As they only get paid when recruiter decide to employ candidates that they have offered. That's why they have to be very conscious while connecting any candidate with the recruiter.
They have to find a suitable one for that particular position.
And also if their any candidate leaves the job role within some month say, 2 months so in this case agency should have to replace with someone else for free or either they have to return the fees.
Temp agencies - They hire candidates for various companies for temporary period. For example if someone is on a long leave in any company to fill that position for shorter duration they hire people for temporary period. These agencies are famous for providing seasonal jobs.
So if someone looking for flexible work hours or to generate more money they can go for temporary period job.
Executive search agency - they hire experienced candidates for the higher job roles such as CEO, HR, Managers etc.
it is more personalized and need higher qualification.
So these are few agencies that connects and builds relationship between job seekers and the employers. And help everyone to be beniffted by their service.
As they receive money for their work and Job huntres gets jobs and companies gets employees.
So, if any one in search of employment can find their best recruitment agencies and can connect with them . In mentioned above kind of agencies one can land up with their dream jobs. One can go for most common agency i.e traditional recruitment agency or pharmaceutical consulting companies.